Tuesday, February 3, 2009

totally into

Scott + New Glasses
Goes without saying, but I'm utterly crazy about this guy and all the time we can spend together now that I reside in Bakersfield. And he looks great in his new glasses, no pun intended.

Dr. House
For some reason, this jerk of a genius doctor is my newest favorite show. I can't get enough. He's suuuch a sarcastic jerk, but maybe that's why I like him? 

Fringy Scarves 
more! i love this bag too. please & thank you.

white walls + colorful decor
i'll stick with this mentality in designing my own spaces. so simplistic yet so fun and stylish. i'll have a blog soon with more images that have inspired me lately.

thrifty success
$2.00 - SCORE. it doesn't work, yet. but it is adorable and fits so perfectly in here.

on the contrary,
i am totally NOT into my internet today. so spotty and annoying. good thing i'm not paying for it. lolz.