Friday, April 24, 2009


blogs, that is. 

i like the layout of wordpress better. sorry blogger. 

i can't help being so visual. 

Friday, April 17, 2009

always is a place

And I’d like to go there, 
Where love must grow, 
Where it’s all they know. 
And I’d like to see it. 
Where substance stays. 
Because that’s always. 
We’ve gotta be ones.

-watashi wa

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

april 15, 2009

today is an ending to an extended weekend. status = very happy & content. 

these photos were taken with my iphone, with an app called "quadcam" 
i strongly advise purchasing it. i'm stingy when it comes to buying apps, actually this is the first i've ever bought. so you know its good. 
meet Sage - my grandparent's golden lab. preshhh.

large indian in bakersfield. surprised?

emilee came up to bakersfield on her spring break. its the new destination. 
we took her to our favorite spot, "the junction."
believe it or not, this place is amaaaazing. old cowboys, tone-deaf singers, and dj mac spinning the karaoke hits.
last night was no exception - everyone had a great time. we'll make you believers.

experimenting with quad cam at chipotle with my love. we're [almost] halfway through our 8 month engagement. 
its going by fast. its all downhill from here - time wise. probably uphill with all the planning and schooling and events going on in both of our lives. but we are enjoying this journey to august and the rest of our lives together. its such a blessing!!

speaking of our wedding, amanda auer, the mastermind behind In The Now Weddings + Events featured my bridesmaids look on her blog [here]. i am one of her assistants for weddings every now and again. oh how i wish i could help her with EVERYTHING. time and location doesn't permit these wishes as much as i'd like. take a visit to her blog and show her some love!

next up - this weekend. hair appointment, picking up my wedding dress, family, ITN meeting, and friends.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


In Christ alone, Who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save.
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied;
For ev'ry sin on Him was laid—
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me;

For I am His and He is mine—
Bought with the precious blood of

Saturday, April 11, 2009

digital love

i frequent the amazing google reader multiple times a day, following several (actually MANY) amazing blogs, full of inspirations and new ideas. oh google, i love you. 

I still stay in the loop with things going on in seattle, as that city has such a special place in my heart. Seattlest - a blog dedicated to stuff goin on in the city shared this story with me - get out and dance tonight - specifically the laser light show at the Pacific Science Center featuring one of my favorite groups, Daft Punk.  Lasers going along with some amazing dance/techno music. WHY COULDN'T THIS HAVE HAPPENED WHEN I LIVED THERE? I'd be the closest thing to seeing them live, which I must see. MUST

Some other images that I fell in love with this week, sorry I don't have tags on them.

off to play.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

ordinary lists

-What is your current obsession?

vintage lockets ready for assembly [via etsy]

-Which item from your closet are you wearing most lately?
my wedding ring, for now and always.

-What’s for dinner?
who knows!

-What was the last thing you bought?

-What are you listening to right now?

-Favorite vacation spot?
hawaii or camping anywhere

-What are you reading right now?
i'm not reading twilight (LIE)

-What is your current guilty pleasure? +

-What will be the first spring thing you do?
be outside all the time.

-Where are you planning to travel next?
corona, but, then on the honeymoon - and i have no idea where we're going. scott has it figured out? and wont tell me. huh?

-What was the last thing you watched?
last week's office.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

who do we care for?

Sebastien Grainger + The Mountains - "Who Do We Care For"

Right before they broke up, Death From Above 1979 was one of my most frequently played bands. I loved everything about them, maybe minus their pretty raunchy lyrics. Through them and their influences, my musical taste and love broadened to what it is now (however good that my be, its up to interpretation)

After they're break up, both members went on to different projects, one to MSTRKRFT (still, an amaaazing group with so many good remixes and fun dance songs) and the other to start his own project : Sebastien Grainger + The Mountains. It's just good music, good beats, his unique voice, and samples from so many genres.

The new EP from Sebastien is ridiculously good - a must have in my opinion. I'm a fan.

He's playing March 27 @ The Detroit Bar in Costa Mesa, CA. Let's Go.

Check it out. PLZ.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

a little clarity

Through a random text message from an old friend, Scott scored tickets to Jimmy Eat World's Clarity Tour for tomorrow at the Nokia Theatre in LA. What a great set list and idea, more bands should do the old album tour. Besides Jimmy, good friends will be there as well.

In other news, wedding preparations are in full effect. I really want to share my inspirations and ideas, yet I want the day to be a surprise. Surprises make things special and tend to stick in the mind better, right? Well, I'm dying to show some inspirational photos, so I don't burst from excitement. I found these online in various places and didn't write down credits. These photos aren't mine, and belong to someone in cyberspace, ok?

more to come, i think.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

totally into

Scott + New Glasses
Goes without saying, but I'm utterly crazy about this guy and all the time we can spend together now that I reside in Bakersfield. And he looks great in his new glasses, no pun intended.

Dr. House
For some reason, this jerk of a genius doctor is my newest favorite show. I can't get enough. He's suuuch a sarcastic jerk, but maybe that's why I like him? 

Fringy Scarves 
more! i love this bag too. please & thank you.

white walls + colorful decor
i'll stick with this mentality in designing my own spaces. so simplistic yet so fun and stylish. i'll have a blog soon with more images that have inspired me lately.

thrifty success
$2.00 - SCORE. it doesn't work, yet. but it is adorable and fits so perfectly in here.

on the contrary,
i am totally NOT into my internet today. so spotty and annoying. good thing i'm not paying for it. lolz.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

well, french fries float

pardon this please, but this news excited me so much. 

this got released january 5th (my birthday!) and i couldn't be happier.  

its about time, jody. 

now, where is phil? that news would make me even happier. 

better yet, go on a tour playing old songs (gp, tmtyl, suttm)

(NASHVILLE, Tenn.) Jan. 5, 2009— Guitarist Jody Davis returns to newsboys after a five-year hiatus. Davis, who was a member of the band from 1993-2003, contributed to many of newsboys' greatest hits like "Shine," "Entertaining Angels," and "It is You." In 2003, he took time off to care for his daughter, Bethany, who has cerebral palsy.

"I am thrilled to be returning to the band and back with my bandmates, who are some of my best friends," says Davis. "This is a big change in my life, and I'm looking forward to the tour and new record with excitement."

Peter Furler, lead vocalist for newsboys, is also excited about Davis' return. "Jody is like a brother to all of us, and we have missed him greatly over the last five years. It's going to be great to have him back with us."

Paul Colman, who played guitar with newsboys the last three years, will be continuing his solo career and performing shows nationwide in 2009. "My three years with newsboys were among the best of my life. I learned an immeasurable amount about music, ministry, and life, and am happy to say I left with all our friendships wonderfully intact. I always was and always will be one of newsboys' biggest fans. I am very excited about the return of Jody Davis!"

Saturday, January 10, 2009

talk about a new year with new beginnings.

as of this year i am now

- a fiance
- attending a university, finally
- living in a real apartment
- planning a wedding
- planning a new life
- 22

i'd say that's really sweet.

this year's christmas ranks up on the top of the list as far as christmases go. hawaii, both families, and just great quality time. i'm so blessed by my family! why  has it taken so long to really understand that? freaking shannon. you suck sometimes.

speaking of family - my brother, shayne left this week for up to a year on his marine tour of duty. please keep him in your prayers. he's excited but doesn't quite know what to expect. i love my little annoying loving brother. 

well, its off to plan a bit more. or just brainstorm. or just hang out. or whatever.