Saturday, January 10, 2009

talk about a new year with new beginnings.

as of this year i am now

- a fiance
- attending a university, finally
- living in a real apartment
- planning a wedding
- planning a new life
- 22

i'd say that's really sweet.

this year's christmas ranks up on the top of the list as far as christmases go. hawaii, both families, and just great quality time. i'm so blessed by my family! why  has it taken so long to really understand that? freaking shannon. you suck sometimes.

speaking of family - my brother, shayne left this week for up to a year on his marine tour of duty. please keep him in your prayers. he's excited but doesn't quite know what to expect. i love my little annoying loving brother. 

well, its off to plan a bit more. or just brainstorm. or just hang out. or whatever. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm tagging you! That means you have to post a photo of yourself and tell us 16 random things about yourself. And then tag 16 others.

Here you can take a look at my photo and 16 random things about me:
